Blogging Bites #45 - πŸ”‹ Recharging after a rough week

Blogging Bites #45


Happy Friday, Reader!

I've been riding the struggle bus this week 🚌

I didn't get my blog's newsletter out, this one's late, I lost a contractor, and overall my energy's just been very low.

I don't know if it's because I spent the whole last weekend on my feet doing client shoots (something I haven't done in a longgg time), work & personal stressors, lack of sunlight, or what πŸ˜…

Weeks like these happen. And that's okay! It's a normal part of being an entrepreneur (and just a human in general)!

I wanted to share this with you not for sympathy, but because I always want to be transparent with you about my life as a full-time creative, and hopefully to help you the next time you're feeling this way.

Here's what I've done to get through this week πŸ‘‡

βœ… I've focused on completing my "must-do" tasks every day. Things like delivering high-quality client work on time, providing for my coaching members, etc. Any leftover energy's been spent on lower priority tasks or saved for the next day.

βœ… I did things that made me feel better. I worked out and read every day, cuddled with my pup, soaked up the sun when it peeked in, and made cookies from my freezer stash! These are things that give me energy and make me feel better physically and mentally. I really don't feel like working out some days, but I always feel more accomplished and like a weight's been lifted (pun intended 🀭) afterward, so I know it's worth doing. Also, Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal is a nice mood-lifter for me!

βœ… I've asked for help. I'm super lucky to have a supportive partner who's willing to step in and help around the apartment, listen to how I'm feeling, and give me extra hugs.

βœ… I've reminded myself of how far I've come. I've grown a lot as a person and a business in the past few years. When I'm feeling low, reminding myself of this helps! I've gotten through hard times before and I always come out stronger than before πŸ’ͺ

Here's what I haven't done πŸ‘‡

❌ I haven't been hard on myself. I haven't talked down to myself. I've kicked myself when I've been down many times in my life, and it's only ever made the situation worse.

❌ I haven't indulged in negativity. I've acknowledged how I've been feeling, but haven't wasted energy feeling sorry for myself or having negative conversations that rile me up.

❌ I haven't brought others down with me. The last thing I want to do when I'm feeling rough is to make someone else feel that way too. Chris and I are very open and supportive of each other, so I've shared my feelings with him so he's aware, but I haven't dumped my troubles on him or taken it out on him (or anyone else).

❌ I haven't given up. I've still shown up every day, in whatever capacity I could. Tomorrow's a new day and the work will still be there waiting for me β˜€οΈ

This weekend I'm planning on taking things easy to relax and recharge!

What helps you when you're having a tough week? I'd love to hear from you! 🩡

Tune in! 🎧

I greatly admire Leila Hormozi and her way of thinking. In this YouTube video, she shares how she deals with negative emotions as an entrepreneur.

Have an amazing weekend!

Broken Oven Baking Company

I'm a baking blogger and food blog coach based in Chicago! I've been sharing easy, sweet recipes since 2020. In 2023 I started helping other food bloggers grow their businesses. You can find blogging tips & resources in my weekly food blog newsletter and coaching website!